Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Bush Tii (Herbal Tea)

Audio Podcast

Jamaicans have a long history of being tea drinkers. Although we produce some of the best coffee in the world, Jamaicans favor a variety of herbal teas over coffee any day. In fact, the majority of our coffee is exported worldwide. Side note: If you ever see Blue Mountain Coffee in your local supermarket, take a gander, try it out and let me know what you think.

Last Thursday, my husband and I drove up to Toronto for my aunt's funeral. Nerves were shot, anxiety attacks lurked around, everyone was tense so one of my MANY cousins (my fathers 1st cousin) decided to make some bush tea. Bush tea is any tea concoction of flora and herbs. This time, the bush tea consisted of dried lemon grass and sour sop leaves. I mentioned in a previous post the importance of sour sop leaves and their cancer-fighting properties but combined with lemon grass, they not only fight off the kuru kuru (anything that's bad; unhealthy) in your body but also calms you and frees you from anxiety. Very good for the upset stomach too.
  1. Add as much or as little of the bush you want to the kettle/pot
  2. Add water
  3. Bring to a boil
  4. Allow to steep
  5. Pour into your favorite mug
  6. Add honey, sugar, agave or any other sweetener to taste
I was so grateful for that tea and it tasted great as well. I added agave to it and I think I'm going to invest in these calmatives.
This is Lemon Grass—natural calmative

Soursop leaves tea—cures cancer and strengthens immune system

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Jamdung Eats by Deedré Cousins is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.