Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Nyam Raiit aa Liv (Eat Right and Live)

Death has always been a hard thing to come to grips with even though it's a natural aspect of life. Ever since I knew and understood what death was, I became petrified of it. In fact, it's my deepest fear. It brings me such angst to which I'm governed and sometimes even paralyzed by it. I've lost so many family members to it and just a couple of weeks ago, once again, I lost my aunt due to complications of ovarian cancer.

For weeks I've been a mess for obvious reasons but mostly because CANCER has been the cause of many deaths in my family.
  1. Maternal Grandmother—colon cancer
  2. Mother—colon cancer
  3. Paternal Grandmother—breast cancer and other complications
  4. Paternal aunt—ovarian cancer and other complications
  5. Paternal 2nd cousin (still alive)—cancer in the shoulder
And this is what I know of. Cancer has plagued many Jamaicans in recent years and honestly I believe it's because of diet and a lack of exercise. We've adopted a "1st world" diet and lifestyle so the same diseases "1st worlders" face, we're also getting them. In other words, the high-carb, heavy, meat-filled, highly processed diet is killing us. We need to get back to our roots and embrace the healthy foods and remedies we grew up with once again.

Believe it or not, there are natural ways of beating cancer. The consumption of various plants and herbs will aid in cancer prevention, stop malignant cells from further metastasis and heal the body from the disease and other complications.
  1. Marigold Flowers
  2. Moringa Leaves
  3. Soursop Leaves and Bark
  4. Guinea Hen Weed
    • Click on each item to find out more about these remedies.
These four herbs are packed with healing properties and are commonly grown in the backyards of the typical Jamaican and they're not difficult to procure here in North America either.

Often times, people think that death is a senseless act but after burying my aunt this past Monday, her death has taught me somethings:
  1. I need to take better of myself. I really need to invest into my heath
  2. Get check-ups on a regular basis because cancer should be paying my family rent for taking up residence with us.
  3. Have a will
  4. Eat right, exercise, live and love
If we have the means to be better and do better, why not? Until next time, eat healthily and walk good.

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Jamdung Eats by Deedré Cousins is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.